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meet the power bi integration

Meet the New Power BI Integration 👋


Can we have a round of applause for the newest addition to Fusion Signage software, please? 👏

Meet the Power BI integration. 📈

Pro Licence holders can say hello to our latest feature as of today. 🙌

power bi in a nutshell

  • Dynamically pull live Power BI reports to display on your digital signage screens.

  • Showcase real-time data (not just static images) for up-to-date insights.

  • Easily add reports and select specific pages to feature on your screens.

  • Manage reports like any media item – add them to playlists and send them to your screens seamlessly! 🙌

Fusion-Signage-Power-BI-Why-Its-Neat-Cropped-01why it's so neat

Adding Power BI reports is a breeze through our (new!) integrations page. You can even pick specific pages from each report to display on your screens.

With live reporting, your data updates in real time – as long as your device’s browser supports it. If not, don’t you worry – an image version has you covered. 😎 Plus, if the internet drops out, a cached image version refreshes every 20 minutes to keep things running smoothly.

Need tailored content? You can filter reports for individual screens – showing the most relevant data for each location.

watch our demo

It's a simple set-up, but let's go through it together anyway. 💙

More of a read-learner? We've got a step-by-step support article right here for you.

what's required?


Fusion-Signage-Power-BI-Easy-Answers-01easy answers to your questions

  • What licence do I require? You need to be a Pro Licence account holder to access the Power BI integration. If you'd like to upgrade, simply get in touch. 👋
  • How do I filter my reports? Once the Power BI integration is set up, you can access the screen metadata via Deploy → screen name → configure screen. In here you can select a report or page and choose filters to apply to ensure only the data you want is displayed. Multiple filters can be set up as you need them. 🙌
  • Is the report live or just a screenshot? Your report is live as long as your device browser supports it. If not, then a screenshot will be displayed.
  • What happens if my screen goes offline or the browser on the device doesn’t support my report? Fusion Signage takes a screenshot of the report every 20 minutes as a fall back. This is for situations where your device browser doesn’t support live reporting, or your device loses connectivity. Either way – you're set with content. 😎

there's a lot
to be excited about 

  • Live data – display up-to-date Power BI reports directly on your screens – no static images in sight. 😎
  • Customisable views – select specific pages from your reports and tailor the content to each screen or location.
  • Seamless continuity – automatic caching and fallback images will ensure your data stays visible, even with connectivity hiccups.

Fusion-Signage-Power-BI-Getting-Set-Up-02getting set up

  1. Login to your Fusion Signage account and go to Deploy.
    Check your screens have an appropriate application version installed. See the list here

  2. Go to Settings and you'll see our brand new Integrations tab. Click that and select ‘Power BI’.

  3. Click ‘authorise’ and follow the steps to connect Fusion Signage to your Power BI account.
    Make sure you have suitable access rights to do this.

  4. Once connected, go back to the Fusion Signage Manage page and find the folder you would
    like to add a report to. Click ‘add’, then click ‘Power BI’.

  5. Select the report and choose the page within that report you would like to display.

  6. You’ll notice that the report is added to your folder. Nice – nailing it.

  7. Create a new playlist or edit an existing one. Click ‘add’ then ‘media’ to find your new report.

  8. Set up any tagging or scheduling required.

  9. Publish to a screen!




Remember – this is a Pro Licence feature only. If you'd like to enquire about upgrading to Pro, send us an email and we'll sort it out!
Feedback? As this integration is new, please let us know if you experience any issues.



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